Road Trip 2002

Route MapDay Thirty-Three

Vashon Island, WA
Distance: 0 miles
Weather: Sunny 80.

Well, today was the big day of the strawberry festival. Sophia drove us over in her truck and we saw the booths, and fair food, and carnival rides. After exploring, it was time for the big parade. This was truly a motley lineup. There were cute kids in strawberry garb by the dozen, paper mache dragons, boy scouts, and a handful of local businesses. But the masterpiece of the parade was the Thriftway grocery store clerks. They were dressed in white and black, with sunglasses, and pushing shopping carts. They had an elaborate routine that involved weaving the carts around, dancing, and walking in such unison that it put the local marching band to shame.

We met Sophia's friend Erica at the parade, and went back to her house on the beach for the afternoon. After testing the water of the Puget Sound, we decided to swim in the heated pool instead. A fun time with some wacky noodles was had by all.

On the way home we stopped to pick up some ingredients and had a nice summer pesto and pasta for dinner. After which it was off to the strawberry festivities once again. Sophia knows every other person we see. Jared and Corin trade in the hectic strawberry atmosphere for a nice game of bingo. But the bingo playing seniors were not open to us joining in the middle of an eighty round tournament, and in the end we were denied access to this gambling underberry of Vashon Island.

So, instead of bingo, Jared and Corin purchased a cotton candy and walked around the lovely island for the evening. We ended up visiting a local cohousing community. We met some nice residents, and learned about the community. The area was a bit smushed, but the houses were pleasant in their "cape cod-ness." (shingle siding etc.)

Back to town, and back to bed. Tomorrow we are leaving for the San Juan Islands. Our stay on Vashon, the only island in the Puget Sound without a bridge, was wonderful. Thanks Sophia!!! (and her parents who were probably starting to worry we were never leaving.)

Sophia's pond, and dock turned floating garden. On to the Strawberry Festival.
Jared, with his new haircut, awaits the start of the parade. Let the parade commence!
Buzz Lightyear and Woody. Sophia's mom holds the center of the banner.
All sorts of whacky old tractors from John Deere to Volvo. Dubya's got a big head full of nothing.
They shipped a marching band in from Seattle. Concept 2 oars from Morrisville, VT.
Thriftway workers, perform in perfect unison. People, lots of people.

Vashon Island Health Club
(We don't know what Sophia's doing.)

At Sophia's friend's house we dip our toes in the frigid ocean water, and choose to swim in the nearby pool instead.
To the Thriftway for some dinner fixin's. Mmmmm. Pasta with pesto sauce. First pasta in weeks.
Back into town for more festivities. Corin gets a cotton candy treat. Vashon Island Co-Housing community.

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